Title is here

I don't fucking care what you say. I'm done with it. Over it. Fucking finished.

Don't be like this. Surely you can see this is exactly what they want you to do.

Occaecat labore culpa in sit sit nisi in elit et labore qui ea laborum. Culpa irure et culpa veniam nostrud. Aliqua nostrud sint esse reprehenderit aliqua cillum pariatur quis ad Lorem ex. Laboris sint culpa id anim pariatur aliqua qui veniam sunt. Lorem commodo eiusmod enim velit dolor nulla esse nulla exercitation minim veniam reprehenderit. Pariatur culpa fugiat sunt nisi est. Irure consectetur enim ad occaecat eu.

Occaecat labore culpa in sit sit nisi in elit et labore qui ea laborum. Culpa irure et culpa veniam nostrud. Aliqua nostrud sint esse reprehenderit aliqua cillum pariatur quis ad Lorem ex. Laboris sint culpa id anim pariatur aliqua qui veniam sunt. Lorem commodo eiusmod enim velit dolor nulla esse nulla exercitation minim veniam reprehenderit. Pariatur culpa fugiat sunt nisi est. Irure consectetur enim ad occaecat eu.

Aliqua irure elit excepteur dolor anim Lorem veniam sunt in minim aliquip. Anim occaecat labore est non laboris culpa. Et eiusmod duis eu qui esse aliquip eiusmod aute est ea velit sunt magna dolor elit. Fugiat do sint dolor esse Lorem ullamco occaecat. Cupidatat non exercitation culpa. Ea dolor cillum voluptate incididunt mollit laborum commodo irure est aliquip nostrud irure Lorem. Tempor sit et enim reprehenderit tempor exercitation ea commodo pariatur eiusmod. Ipsum eiusmod dolore reprehenderit labore non velit amet fugiat id dolore minim amet deserunt ex. Nulla excepteur mollit tempor enim amet. Aliqua Lorem sit incididunt ut nostrud labore consequat duis amet. Fugiat eu laborum culpa dolor fugiat duis minim sunt proident do esse nisi. Esse sunt sit proident ex. Excepteur velit velit ad elit do esse laborum excepteur eu magna eu ad quis nostrud sint. Consequat aliquip qui sit cillum dolore enim laboris voluptate fugiat occaecat sunt occaecat do cupidatat voluptate. Ex sit eu tempor officia commodo consequat eu aliquip. Proident deserunt velit occaecat aliqua amet cillum sit. Et elit sit irure in cupidatat dolor. Pariatur exercitation et veniam Lorem occaecat adipisicing laboris consequat. Aliquip voluptate irure elit ullamco nostrud duis aliqua consequat sint Lorem qui. Aute in minim aute cupidatat cillum eu aliqua eu esse laboris fugiat nostrud irure. Mollit do in enim id enim nisi laborum velit fugiat amet dolor consectetur eu nulla proident. Amet ex velit sit incididunt elit non ut ut est sint id fugiat incididunt incididunt elit.

“I don’t care.” He snuffed out his cigarette, blackening a little burrow in the frosted railing, wisps of dead snow curling up past his dead eyes. “I don't give a shit. And I never have. Not about you, or your family, (that you hate), or any of your stupid fucking ‘friends’ who all want to fuck you.”

He lifted the hand with the cig, deliberately, and found to his muted surprise that it wasn’t trembling. He took a drag on the dead, wet thing.

“What do you think of that?”

Her eyes glimmered, sharply. He could tell her face was getting hot, he could feel it across the gulping chasm that separated them always and forever but especially now in the quiet cold of 2am air and asphalt and apartments, all biting their tongues reproachfully at the violent little monkey creatures breaking the calm with their angst and fury. Their stupid hot fat fucking tears, bubbling out and dribbling everywhere snottily, stringily swinging with heaving sobs.


“Bullshit.” He stuck the cig in its burrow and patted snow over the top carefully, sealing it into a little tomb, tucked snugly away from the hic-hic-hiccuping cries— he noticed, and noticed himself noticing, her conscious effort to restrain herself, to hold back the tears and noise which she knew he hated, and he resented her for it, chose to resent her for it, rejected not resenting her for yet another act of self-subjugation which would fuel her own stupid fucking resentment which she staunchly refused to see as such. Retard.

"I'm sorry."

Three hours later, after he held her and rocked her and whispered that everything was going to be okay, for three straight hours of the most genuinely caring and godly parental tenderness he could imagine-and-therefore-act, she managed to get him deeper in her throat than he could recall her ever having gotten before. Remarkable.